Erupción de Volcán en La Palma, España

Requirements to travel to Ecuador

 According to the information provided by Civil Aviation, some of the requirements to travel by air to Ecuador are:

- Any person who undergoes an RT-PCR test (carried out at most up to 10 days before the trip or after arrival) and obtains a negative result, is exempt from meeting the APO time.

- People belonging to priority care groups do not require an RT-PCR test and will perform the APO at home. If they arrive in the country with a negative RT-PCR test, they should not perform the APO.

- Passengers must fill out and sign, prior to disembarking, the Traveler's Health Declaration, which will be delivered to the MSP (Ministry of Public Health) upon arrival.

- Travelers coming from countries other than Brazil and India, will present as a prerequisite to boarding the vaccination card with its complete schedule and that it is in force 14 days before boarding or a negative RT-PCR test with 72 hours prior to boarding. The antigen test is eliminated as a requirement to enter the country, the only valid one being the RT-PCR test. Travelers under 2 years of age are exempt from submitting these tests.

For more updated information:
